Playground Celebrating the Life of Jack Armistead Pinto

The Jack Pinto playground opened on May 4, 2013 in honor of Jack Pinto and was built at Firemen’s Park in Union Beach, N.J. It is the second playground created by The Sandy Ground: Where Angels Play foundation and if this is where angels play, then Jack, who loved sports, will be in attendance.

Jack adored the NY Giants. The RAINE foundation made sure to painstakingly incorporate parts of Jack. The play structure is a Giants blue with a Pinto 80 jersey. There is a swing set, which was one of Jack's favorite activities. The structure, designed for kids 2-12, has 5 slides of different heights, climbing areas of various levels, and a ramp allowing easy access for all.

Jack's parents provided a handprint that Jack had made for a Thanksgiving project. This handprint was used to create a memorial for Jack. It is etched in stone and surrounded by blue and red handprints created by the children of Union Beach .

Jack Armistead Pinto Playground
Jack Armistead Pinto Playground

Jack Armistead Pinto Playground
Jack Armistead Pinto Playground

Jack Armistead Pinto Playground
Jack Armistead Pinto Playground

Jack Armistead Pinto Playground
Jack Armistead Pinto Playground

Jack Armistead Pinto Playground
Jack Armistead Pinto Playground

Jack Armistead Pinto Playground
Jack Armistead Pinto Playground

Jack Pinto Portrait created by artist Michael G. Reagan
Jack Pinto Portrait created by artist Michael G. Reagan