Playground Celebrating the Life of Madeleine Feng Hsu
On June 1st, 2014 the Madeleine Hsu playground was opened in West Islip, New York. Madeleine Hsu was a first grader at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Madeleine loved dogs and also loved to read. There is a “give a book, get a book” program built next to playground. This welcomes children of all ages to sit and read at the playground.
The location of this playground was chosen because it was a place Madeleine enjoyed while visiting New York for a birthday party. All the flowers in the playground have been chosen because they were her favorite colors, purple and pink.
The West Islip Beach, Where Angels Play, Madeleine Hsu Playground photo album posted on flickr by SweetSpot Marketing contains 394 photos documenting Madeleine's playground from ground breaking to ribbon cutting.