Sandy Hook victims mourned for lives cut short
Published 6:24 p.m. ET Dec.16, 2012 - Updated 1:01 a.m. ET Dec. 18, 2012

Dawn Hochsprung, 47

Dawn Hochsprung was known for her enthusiasm, frank opinions and love of teaching. Hochsprung, 47, a veteran teacher and administrator, worked at the school for two years, where those who knew her say she immediately became a beloved figure. Board of Education chairwoman for the Newtown public schools Debbie Liedlien says residents are feeling "a deep sense of loss" over her death.

Town officials say Hochsprung was killed while lunging at the gunman as she tried to overtake him.

"I would expect her to jump right into the chaos," said neighbor Judith Neukam(cq--didn't want to give age). "I think she would have felt responsible for it and she would have taken that responsibility."

Family friend Fraser Randolph, 60, of Danbury, has known Hochsprung and her husband, George, for more than 15 years. He said Hochsprung and her husband, who is also a teacher, often talked about educational policies over dinner with him.

"She was always talking about education--always looking for ways to solve problems, communicate better with parents and break down administrative barriers to better serve the needs of kids," Randolph said.