Playground Celebrating the Life of Josephine Grace Gay

The Josephine Gay playground was opened on Josephine’s birthday, December 11th, 2013 in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Josephine was a 7 year old student at the Sandy Hook School. The Bridgeport playground is the fifteenth created for the Where Angels Play Foundation.

The purple playground represents Josephine’s favorite color. Josephine was a non-verbal autistic child so the playground is decorated with "Autism Speaks" logos and purple puzzle pieces. It also has a ramp, so children with all kinds of special needs have access.

Josephine Grace Gay Playground
Josephine Grace Gay Playground

Josephine Grace Gay Playground
Josephine Grace Gay Playground

Josephine Grace Gay Playground
Josephine Grace Gay Playground

Josephine Grace Gay Playground
Josephine Grace Gay Playground

Josephine Grace Gay Playground
Josephine Grace Gay Playground

Josephine Grace Gay Playground
Josephine Grace Gay Playground

Josephine Grace Gay Playground
Josephine Grace Gay Playground

Josephine Grace Gay Playground
Josephine Grace Gay Playground

Josephine Gay Portrait created by artist Michael G. Reagan
Josephine Gay Portrait created by artist Michael G. Reagan